Breakfasts are Back!
Happy August everyone!
Slowly, slowly things are getting back to some semblance of normalcy, albeit a slightly changed one. Many more businesses and attractions are opening, and previously unavailable options are now possible....with some restrictions.
Dutch and I visited the Blue Star Restaurant yesterday to ask if the restaurant is open for inside business, and if so, whether they could accommodate us for breakfast this Sunday. The answer was YES to both....with some rules in place.
So.....this month's Niagara BMW Riders monthly breakfast is on!
Date: Sunday, August 9th
Location: Blue Star Restaurant, 676 King Street, Welland, ON
Time: 8:30 am
Please note:
You MUST wear a mask/face covering. You will NOT be allowed in without one. Of course, you may pull it down to eat, but otherwise must wear it properly covering your mouth and nose.
The tables are separated and CANNOT be moved together. This being said, most are set for four people, therefore you may sit with others that you feel safe being with.
It was suggested that we show up for 8:30 am (they are allowing us in a half hour before they officially open).
We have been assured that we can have the entire back section, which seats approximately 36 people (note that this is with four people at each table). Any more than that may be turned away. As always, if we do not fill the entire section, the tables will be used for regular customers.
Look for an email for more details.
--Kate Lammers